Friday, 17 November 2006


Just ignore that last post, this blog will be for FFXI shit now instead.
Yes, there will be swearing... if you don't like it, FUCK OFF!

First off, FFXI decided to fuck up... well, ok... partly my fault.
Scrap that, it was all my fault. I found a hidden option known as "Enable 3D LCD Mode".
It keep popping up but i can't hit it so i thought i'd be clever and screw around with the registry.

It kinda worked, but then FFXI froze and since i restarted i have no sound on POL or FFXI.
Damn >.<

Other than that i need to get my Red Mage up. It's at 50 right now and i need to do G1 and G2.

Ok, well i'm going to go fuck up FFXI some more. Wish me luck.